The quality of your corporate culture matters regardless of your organization's size. Having the right culture maximizes employee retention and profits. In our recent webinar on this topic, attendees learned the power of moving their culture from one of hostility (dysfunctional), to one of cooperation (functional) to one of mutuality (high performance).
Among the franchisees who participated, a QSR franchisee asked "how I do decide what the right values are for my company [culture]?"
The TriOdyssey presenter responded that a practical way to identify the proper values for your company is to link them to the behaviors you want demonstrated. For example, you might want your team to demonstrate behaviors towards customers that are associated with timeliness and good service.
The values you might establish to foster those behaviors are commitment and accuracy. If you want the members of your team to work closely together, you might select collaboration as a value.
Your goal as an owner or general manager is to make that linkage between desired behaviors and values for each of your company's key stakeholders. Once you've identified the values that are relevant for your organization, select the top five to seven that will serve you best.
Odds are that most of the values you select will serve multiple stakeholder groups well.
How would you respond to that question?
Marcy Cowan